
– 20 %
Set 21 ediţii a revistei Spiriduşii Spiriduşii
Here’s a cool bundle of Spiriduşii magazines packed with all the essentials you need to dive into creative activities, neatly tucked in a box that turns into a magazine holder! It's super handy and looks great too! Box dimensions: 27 x 18.5 x 4 cm. What’s included in the set: 21 issues of "Spirid..
820.00 MDL656.00 MDL
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Set de 5 Spiriduşii + cadou Spiriduşii
2021 Editions Contents: issue no. 35 – Emotions; issue no. 36 – The White Stork; issue no. 37 – Bridges; issue no. 38 – Corn; issue no. 39 – Islands; issue no. 34 – Rain and Clouds. FREE GIFT !!! "Spiriduşii" Magazine is an entertaining and educational publication for young school-age kids...
225.00 MDL202.50 MDL
– 20 %
Set Comasat 28 ediţii (revistele Spiriduşii şi Cartea cu Enigme) Spiriduşii
Check out the "Spiriduşii" magazine set along with the "Cartea cu Enigme" magazine, pre-packaged in a nifty gift box that doubles as a magazine holder! Box dimensions: 27 x 18.5 x 4 cm. What's included in the set: 16 editions of "Spiriduşii" (13 magazines), editions 16, 20-34; 10 editions of "C..
760.00 MDL608.00 MDL
Umnaya Raskraska, nr.1 Spiriduşii
B5 format, 16 pages in black and white, with 4 pages in color."Smart Coloring" is the Russian version of the magazine "The Book of Puzzles" – a supplement to the "Little Spirits" magazine. Kids will have a blast while coloring and learning to draw, outline, shade, write, decode, and complete various..
15.00 MDL
Umnaya Raskraska, nr.3 Spiriduşii
B5 format, 16 pages in black-and-white, 4 pages in color."Umnaya Raskraska" is the Russian version of the magazine "Enigma Book" – a supplement to the "Little Sprites" magazine. Kids will enjoy spending their time coloring and learning to draw, outline, shade, write, decode, and complete activities,..
15.00 MDL
Umnaya Raskraska, nr.2 Spiriduşii
B5 format, 16 pages in black and white, 4 color pages."Smart Coloring“ is the Russian edition of the magazine "The Book of Riddles" – a supplement of the "Little Spirits" magazine. Kids can have fun while coloring and learning to draw, outline, shade, write, decode, complete tasks, and more, which p..
15.00 MDL
Spiriduşii, nr.21 Spiriduşii
Dimensions: B5, 20 colorful pages, coated paper. Release Year: 2010. Topics: The Book, Laughter. Table of Contents: Books in the Past (Curiosities from Lica) The Treasure of the Soul (The Lanes' Encyclopedia) A Lesson in Diction Fishing (Having Fun with Fibo) Cat Serenade Let's Laugh! (Having Fun wi..
35.00 MDL
Spiriduşii, nr.20 Spiriduşii
Size: B5, 20 pages in color, textured paper. Year of publication: 2010. Theme: Sleep, Dragobete. Contents: Mr. Sleep One little sheep, two little sheep...  (Having fun with Fibo) Champions of sleep  (Curiosities from Lica) Head of Spring  (Fair of Traditions) The Birds' Engagement  (Lana'..
35.00 MDL
Spiriduşii, nr.30 Spiriduşii
Format: B5, 20 pages in color, textured paper. Year of release: 2012. Topics: Ladybug, Beneficial Insects. Contents: Celestial Messenger (Traditional Fair) Ruza, the Ladybug (Lana's Encyclopedia) "Don't Touch Me!" (Having Fun with Fibo) The Ladybug's Outfit (Garden of Tales) Dotted Toast..
35.00 MDL
Spiriduşii, nr.23 Spiriduşii
Format: B5, 20 pagini color, hârtie cretată. Year of Release: 2010. Themes: Umbrella, Ants. Table of Contents: Here Comes the Rain! Under the Umbrella... (Curiosities from Lica) Colorful Umbrellas (Having Fun with Fibo) In Search of Monsters (Comic Strips) When the Master is Away! (Story Garden)..
35.00 MDL
Spiriduşii, nr.17 Spiriduşii
Format: B5, 20 pages in color, textured paper. Release Year: 2009 Theme: Money. Contents: Once upon a time...  (Lana's Encyclopedia) In the depths...  (Let’s Have Fun with Fibo) Theft  (Let’s Have Fun with Fibo) Memo Game - MONEY  (Arto's Workshop) The Piggy Bank Stone Money  (The Traditional Fair..
35.00 MDL
Spiriduşii, nr.34 Spiriduşii
Format: B5, 20 pages in color, textured paper. Publication Year: 2013. Theme: Rain. Contents: Grandma and the signs in nature (The Traditions Fair) Fishing The Mischievous Clouds (Lana's Encyclopedia) The Twin Captains (Having Fun with Fibo) The Gifts of the Sky (Curiosities from Lica) ..
35.00 MDL
Spiriduşii, nr.25-26 Spiriduşii
Format: B5, 32 pagini color, hârtie cretată. Anul apariţiei: 2011. Tematici: Poșta, Transporturi, Fast-food sănătos. Cuprins: Mare tărăboi Istoria poștei  (Curiozități de la Lica) Scrisorile și cutia poștală  (Enciclopedia Lanei) O cutie neobișnuită  (Grădin..
55.00 MDL
Spiriduşii, nr.31 Spiriduşii
Format: B5, 20 pages in color, crepe paper. Year of release: 2012. Themes: Buttons, Sewing. Contents: Buttons (Lana's Encyclopedia) Let's Play with Buttons Small, but Useful (Lica's Curiosities) The Little Coquette (Arto's Workshop) The Hedgehog's Dessert (Foxi's Kitchen) The Seamstres..
35.00 MDL
Spiriduşii, nr.24 Spiriduşii
Size: B5, 20 pages in color, textured paper. Year of publication: 2011. Topics: Food traditions and customs, Potatoes. Contents: Food traditions  (The Fair of Traditions) Table manners The fruit of the earth  (Lana's Encyclopedia) At the vegetable ball  (Curiosities from Lica) Potatoes i..
35.00 MDL
Spiriduşii, nr.22 Spiriduşii
Format: B5, 20 color pages, textured paper. Year of publication: 2010. Themes: Native Americans, Sunflower. Contents: Native Americans A Journey with the Canoe (Curiosities from Lica) Bison Hunting (Lana's Encyclopedia) Archers Hidden Word Sunflower (Lana's Encyclopedia) The Legend of the Sunflower ..
35.00 MDL
Spiriduşii magazine, no.39 Spiriduşii
Theme: Islands. Contents: Mysterious Island (Garden of Stories); What are islands (I want to know); Pirate Treasure (Fun Kaleidoscope); The "Preserved" Island (Fair of Traditions); Volcano Eruption (Testing-Experiencing); Graphic Dictation (Color Palette); Do natural disasters have ..
45.00 MDL
Spiriduşii, nr.16 Spiriduşii
Format: B5, 20 paginated with vibrant colors on textured paper. Year of publication: 2008 Topics: Cow, Farm Animals, Dairy Products. Contents: Little Mulga Cow  (Lana's Encyclopedia) In Grandma's Yard  (Having Fun with Fibo)Dairy Delights  (Foxi's Kitchen)When the Cat's AwayA Little Cow  (Arto's Wor..
35.00 MDL
Spiriduşii magazine, no.36 Spiriduşii
Topic: White stork. Contents: White stork (I want to know); Up in the nest (Fun kaleidoscope); Stork tales (Gathered from around the world); Standing on one leg (Garden of stories); The snake on the hunt (Color palette); Grace in flight (Skill workshop); Cake, pizza, pie... (Magic d..
45.00 MDL
Cartea cu Enigme, nr.28-29 Spiriduşii
Size B5, 32 pages in black and white, 4 pages in color. "The Riddle Book" is an exciting addition to the "Little Sprites" magazine. Kids will get to spend valuable time coloring and mastering techniques like drawing, outlining, hatching, writing, decoding, and completing activities, all of which pos..
25.00 MDL
Spiriduşii, nr.28-29 Spiriduşii
Format: B5, 32 pagini color, hârtie cretată. Anul apariţiei: 2012. Tematici: Sunetul, instrumentele muzicale, urechea. Cuprins: Sunetul muzical (Grădina cu poveşti) Despre sunete (Enciclopedia Lanei) Evantai muzical (Târgul cu tradiţii) Muzicanţii veseli (Ne distrăm cu Fibo) Fabrica auzilui (Enc..
55.00 MDL
Spiriduşii, nr.27 Spiriduşii
Format: B5, 20 color pages, coated paper. Year of publication: 2011. Themes: Primitive man, Stone Age, Dog. Contents: Stone Age (Lana's Encyclopedia) Prehistoric Fun (Let's Have Fun with Fibo) Roads of Danger (Let's Have Fun with Fibo) Primitive Curiosities (Curiosities from Lica) Stone Age (Gar..
35.00 MDL
Cartea cu Enigme, nr.22-23 Spiriduşii
Format b5, 32 paged black and white, 4 pages color. "The Puzzle Book" is an awesome addition to the "Little Sprites" magazine. Kids will have a blast coloring and learning how to draw, outline, shade, write, decode, complete tasks, and more, all of which will positively impact their motor skills an..
25.00 MDL
Spiriduşii magazine, no.35 Spiriduşii
Topic: Emotions. Contents: Little Robot Zogo (I Want to Know); Celebration with Friends (Fun Kaleidoscope); The Body Talks (Collected from Around the World); Guess How I Feel (Crafts Workshop); Shyness in the Mirror; The Champion (Color Palette); Laughing Cures My Illness (Story Garden); Do..
45.00 MDL