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Сумка-холодильник Mobicool Holiday 34 — изолированная сумка вместимостью 34 л сохранит напитки и закуски свежими в пути.В нее даже поместится целый ящик пива. Благодаря износостойкому полиэстеру 300D, который служит наружным материалом, и легко очищаемой непроницаемой подкладке сумка долго прослужит..
320.00 MDL
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Recipient pentru apă MSR DuoLock Bottle 0.75L — sticlă de apă flexibilă DuoLock ™ SoftBottle ™ echipată cu un capac inovator cu protecție dublă anti-scurgere. Această sticlă flexibilă este ușor de umplut și de transportat, făcând-o indispensabilă pentru drumeții sau orice aventură.Caracteristici:Se ..
0.00 MDL
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Recommended for: hunting, fishing, hiking.The Laken Leather Canteen Kidney Shape is a traditional Spanish leather water bottle. Also suitable for alcoholic and citrus drinks. The inner surface of the flask has a plastic antibacterial coating. Drinks last longer with this coating than without it. The..
325.00 MDL
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Recommended for: Climbing stands.Ibex Alpha Handles XL for climbing equipment. It has a rough surface, which contributes to good grip when lifting.Material: polyesterSize: X-LargeColor:- blackFeatures:- very light ;- rough surface...
760.00 MDL
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Cartuș filtru Katadyn Ultra Flow Filter din fibră de sticlă pentru Base Camp Pro 10L.Caracteristici:Potrivit pentru apă murdară medie.Efect: elimină bacteriile, protozoarele, algele, sporii.Specificații:Compatibil cu filtre: Gravity Camp 6L și Base Camp Pro 10LResursa: ână la 1500 de litri, în funcț..
1 020.00 MDL
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Recommended for: tourism.On a hike or on a picnic, we may need a lot of different little things, from a knife to a flashlight or a key holder. The problem is that such things tend to get lost, fall out of pockets, and we are constantly forced to look for a penknife or carbine that has fallen somewhe..
150.00 MDL
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Recommended for: hiking, long trips, mountain expeditions.The Yate Mat Double Layer 12 travel mat is necessary for a comfortable stay in nature and outside the city. Double-layer, made of polyethylene. Protects against cold and provides water resistance. Does not take up much space, is easy to use a..
300.00 MDL
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Clăpari Dalbello Panterra 90 MS — pentru schiorii experimentați. 4 clipse cu intrare frontală (design Cabrio Design). Boot intern al Truffit 2.0 Performer. Indicele Flex: 90. Lățimea plăcuțelor — 102 mm.Caracteristici:Design Cabrio Design — carcasa exterioară, având designul Cabrio Design, este alcă..
5 390.00 MDL
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CRKT Montosa — хороший нож для выполнения различных ежедневных работ. Яркие акценты анодированных элементов делают дизайн ножа интересным и приметным. Тонкая рукоятка, клипса с глубокой посадкой и приемлемый вес позволяют комфортно носить нож даже на кармане узких джинсов.Складной нож CRKT Montosa р..
1 830.00 MDL
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Thule Force XT M Black este o boxă universală pentru acoperișuri auto, care este potrivită atât pentru vacanțele familiei, cât și pentru transportul echipamentelor sportive și turistice. Cutia are un strat de Aeroskin negru îmbunătățit, care îmbunătățește proprietățile aerodinamice ale acesteia dato..
12 390.00 MDL
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Recommended for: hiking, camping, cycling.Husky Bizon 3 Plus is a spacious tent with 2 vestibules, designed for 3 people. It will be convenient for simple hikes and camping. The frame consists of 2 arches of the sleeping area and a long arch that supports one of the entrances and the vestibule. The ..
4 000.00 MDL
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Recommended for: Light hiking and camping.A simple and quick to install three-person tent of a classic design with a vestibule for equipment. The tent consists of two layers. The outer layer of the tent is made of windproof polyester, the seams of the tent are waterproof. The inner tent is made of n..
2 600.00 MDL
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Recommended for: Climbing stands.Ibex Alpha Pockets for climbing equipment. It has a rough surface, which contributes to good grip when lifting.Material: polyesterSize: MediumColor:Features:- very light;- rough surface ...
260.00 MDL
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Чайник Outwell Tea Break Kettle 2,2L идеальный выбор для кемпинга, сада, коттеджа и в дороге. Материал чайника — нержавеющая сталь, которая дополнена термостойкой эргономичной ручкой. Объем чайника составляет 2,2 литра, что делает его идеальным для всей семьи. Чайник можно использовать на любом исто..
450.00 MDL
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Cascadedesigns Push-Pull Cap — крышки для гибких бутылок для воды Platypus. С помощью защелкивающейся крышки бутылку можно превратить в емкость для быстрого разлива. Подходит для продуктов Platy с отверстиями с резьбой и завинчивающимися крышками...
185.00 MDL
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Recommended for: mountaineering, tourism in harsh conditions.Husky Annapurna is a warm sleeping bag for use in extremely cold conditions. Thanks to the high-quality Invista QualloFil insulation, you will feel comfortable even at temperatures of -19°C. The sleeping bag is equipped with a functional t..
2 800.00 MDL
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Helle Wabakimi Sleipner — нож создан в сотрудничестве с Лесом Страуд (Les Stroud), эксперта по выживанию в условиях дикой природы.Нож отлично подходит для бушкрафта. Небольшие габариты делают его удобным для постоянного ношения на бедре. В то же время, длины ножа достаточно, чтобы осуществлять точну..
3 290.00 MDL
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Boker Magnum RockStub Blue Elox — un cutit de buzunar puternic, cu o lamă robustă de 440B, încuietoare transversală și un clip de transport adânc pentru utilizarea zilnică.Oțelul 440B aparține grupului de oțeluri 440, caracterizat printr-o rezistență ridicată la coroziune. Calitatea 440B conține puț..
950.00 MDL
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Recommended for: trekking, hiking, camping.High Peak Easy Travel is a lightweight and compact sleeping bag for summer hikes. In case of a cool night, you can tighten the strap on the headrest and cover your head. The sleeping bag is insulated with high-performance hollow fiber DuraLoft. At the top, ..
770.00 MDL
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Recommended for: long trips in extreme conditions.The Fighter 3-4 is the uncompromising champion of the Husky Extreme series. Designed for the snowy mountains, it's always ready to protect you from the elements, no matter where you go. The design of four duralumin posts guarantees a high level of st..
6 850.00 MDL
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Dalbello Panterra 85 W GW — женские горнолыжные ботинки  с изменяемой шириной колодки 99-101 мм это наиболее технологичная модель для олмаунтин, основанная на известной модели Krypton, но с добавлением опции «Ski/Hike» для удобства ходьбы и катания в самых различных условиях горного рельефа. Комфорт..
4 890.00 MDL
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Горнолыжный шлем Uvex Fierce strato — универсальная модель, представленная в минималистичном исполнении, с отлично продуманным функционалом, что придется по душе самым требовательным райдерам, ведущим активный образ жизни. Легкая, сверхпрочная конструкция In-Mold оснащена интегрированной системой ве..
1 650.00 MDL
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Sac de dormit pentru copii. Model comod tip plapumă cu glugă, umplut cu Thermicfibre 4 300 (2×150) g/m2, de 2-3 sezoane (primăvara, vara, toamna). Recomandat pentru camping sau ture montane.CaracteristiciSac compresie (se poate compresa volumul sacului cu 40%).Aparator+ izolator termic la fermoar.Lă..
1 290.00 MDL
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Butelie de gaz Pinguin 450g — recomandată în drumeții, ture de munte. Conține un amestec de butan, izobutan și propan, potrivit pentru 4 sezoane. Se utilizează la temperaturi joase, în condiții extreme (-40 grade C). Butelia este compatibilă cu arzatoare cu valva EN417: Vaude, Primus, Coleman, MSR, ..
0.00 MDL