Fitness, Sports

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Recommended for: Climbing stands.Ibex Nisyros Edges M grip for climbing equipment. It has a rough surface, which contributes to good grip when lifting.Material: polyesterSize: MediumColor:- white- redFeatures: - very light;- rough surface...
445.00 MDL
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Suportul GoPro Magnetic Clip Mount (ATCLP-001) este conceput pentru camerele de acțiune GoPro. Cu acesta, puteți fixa în siguranță dispozitivul pe cureaua unui rucsac sau a altor echipamente, mobilier și în multe alte locuri. Iar magnetul încorporat vă va permite să fixați dispozitivul pe suprafețe ..
590.00 MDL
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Recommended for: rock climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering.Black Diamond Hotforge Hybrid Quickpack is a quickdraw for long climbs, consisting of a durable polyester sling and two hot-forged carabiners: the upper HotForge and the lower HotWire. The bottom wire snap hook is frost resistant in winter..
2 090.00 MDL
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Bețe schi Elan Hot Rod green — bețe ușoare de schi cu mâner ergonomic din aliaj de aluminiu.Caracteristici:vârf de oțeldiametrul de 18 mm din aliaj de aluminiu Alu 5083inele cu diametrul de 50 mm inclusmâner ergonomic cu curea pentru o prindere confortabilă..
460.00 MDL
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Recommended for: Climbing stands.Ibex Kalymnos Pinches M for climbing equipment. It has a rough surface, which contributes to good grip when lifting.Material: polyesterSize: MediumColor:- fluo green- fluo pink- blackFeatures:- very light;- rough surface...
445.00 MDL
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Recommended for: mountaineering, rock climbing.Universal magnesium, pressed into briquettes, for climbing on artificial and natural terrain, suitable for other sports. Will make your activities enjoyable and safe. Use sparingly during rock climbing.Recommendation for use: a piece is broken off and p..
100.00 MDL
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Горнолыжные ботинки Dalbello DS MX 90 GW black — модель для трассового катания с шириной колодки 104 мм и индексом жесткости 90. Комфортный мягкий внутренник и широкая колодка с общей невысокой жесткостью ботинка идеальны для новичков или лыжников среднего уровня. Специальные установленные накладки ..
3 890.00 MDL
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Recommended for: Climbing stands.Ibex Alpha Edges/Crimps for climbing equipment. It has a rough surface, which contributes to good grip when lifting.Material: polyesterSize: MediumColor:Features:- very light;- rough surface ...
190.00 MDL
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Recommended for: Climbing stands.Ocun Hold for climbing equipment. It has a rough surface, which contributes to good grip when climbing.Material: polyester resinSize: XLColor:whitevioletblackyellowFeatures:- very light;- rough surface...
140.00 MDL
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Recommended for: Climbing stands.Ibex Alpha Handles XL for climbing equipment. It has a rough surface, which contributes to good grip when lifting.Material: polyesterSize: X-LargeColor:- blackFeatures:- very light ;- rough surface...
760.00 MDL
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Clăpari Dalbello Panterra 90 MS — pentru schiorii experimentați. 4 clipse cu intrare frontală (design Cabrio Design). Boot intern al Truffit 2.0 Performer. Indicele Flex: 90. Lățimea plăcuțelor — 102 mm.Caracteristici:Design Cabrio Design — carcasa exterioară, având designul Cabrio Design, este alcă..
5 390.00 MDL
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Recommended for: Climbing stands.Ibex Alpha Pockets for climbing equipment. It has a rough surface, which contributes to good grip when lifting.Material: polyesterSize: MediumColor:Features:- very light;- rough surface ...
260.00 MDL
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Dalbello Panterra 85 W GW — женские горнолыжные ботинки  с изменяемой шириной колодки 99-101 мм это наиболее технологичная модель для олмаунтин, основанная на известной модели Krypton, но с добавлением опции «Ski/Hike» для удобства ходьбы и катания в самых различных условиях горного рельефа. Комфорт..
4 890.00 MDL
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Горнолыжный шлем Uvex Fierce strato — универсальная модель, представленная в минималистичном исполнении, с отлично продуманным функционалом, что придется по душе самым требовательным райдерам, ведущим активный образ жизни. Легкая, сверхпрочная конструкция In-Mold оснащена интегрированной системой ве..
1 650.00 MDL
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TSL Long Gaiters Trek Black — надежные и удобные бахилы большого размера для пеших походов и треккинга. Хорошо защищают от влаги, грязи, снега, камней. Оснащены регулируемым фиксирующим ремешком. Застегиваются спереди — молния + защитная планка.ParticularitățiПрочный регулируемый ремешок из армирова..
595.00 MDL
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Recommended for: Climbing stands.Ibex Droplets Jugs for climbing equipment. It has a rough surface, which contributes to good grip when lifting.Material: polyesterSize: LargeColor:Features:- very light;- rough surface ...
195.00 MDL
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Recommended for: Climbing stands.Ibex Kalymnos Pinches XL for climbing equipment. It has a rough surface, which contributes to good grip when lifting.Material: polyesterSize: X-LargeColor:- black- redFeatures:- very light;- rough surface...
1 485.00 MDL
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Recommended for: industrial mountaineering.Lanex ABM 2L fall absorber with two connecting means. Polyamide webbing and braided rope with a diameter of 10.5 mm. It is possible to attach carabiners (optional).Material: polyamideIndicators: EN 355 certificationShock absorber dimensions: 160 x 35 x 45 m..
430.00 MDL
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Fixeaza-ti cu ușurință camera GoPro de orice trepied standard folosind acest adaptor.Necesitatea de a filma cu trepied apare atunci când trebuie să efectuația foto și video statice, timelapse sau înregistrare utilizând un filtru macro pentru GoPro, precum și în multe alte cazuri. Pachetul conține și..
595.00 MDL
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Recommended for: All climbing cats.The Climbing Technology Crampon Bag is made of durable material and protects the backpack from damage. Velcro closure makes packing easier.Color: blackFeatures:- durable;- compact;- practical;- velcro closure...
140.00 MDL
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Recommended for: Climbing stands.Ibex Alpha Jugs X-Large for climbing equipment. It has a rough surface, which contributes to good grip when climbing.Material: polyesterSize: X-LargeColor:- yellow- redFeatures:- very light;- rough surface...
250.00 MDL
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Recommended for: via ferrata.Ocun Captur Via Ferrata set is a simple and lightweight self-belay, an indispensable accessory for climbing in the via ferrata style. Retractable lanyards are similar to those used in bungee designs. At the ends of the mustache there are two convenient carabiners. The bu..
2 250.00 MDL
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Recommended for: self-belaying at height.Easy to use Lanex Lanyard lanyard made of steel cable. Suitable for organizing insurance when trimming tree branches or welding at height. The cable is protected by a plastic tube to avoid damage, there are fixed loops at both ends.Material: galvanized steelW..
430.00 MDL
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Capac detașabil pentru GoPro Hero 10 - capac original pentru camera de acțiune GoPro Hero 9 și GoPro Hero 10. În caz de pierdere, pur și simplu înlocuiți capacul până când se fixează pentru a menține camera impermeabilă și pentru a preveni intrarea resturilor în portul USB-C, în compartimentul bater..
690.00 MDL