An accessory that provides extra protection for bikes stacked close to each other.All featuresFits all types of frame geometries and is easily adjustable with no loose partsRubber spacer that separates possible contact points and prevents dents and scratchesSturdy strap fixates the bikes together to..
Vestă de salvare Aquarius — model de bază dotat cu flotabilitate crescută care oferă un sentiment de siguranță în apă pentru non-înotători. Un guler gros crește stabilitatea unei persoane în apă, păstrându-l în poziție verticală. Solasul de culoare stridentă, fluierul, banda reflectorizantă sunt ele..
Aqualung Super Zip 5mm — неопреновые боты с уникальной эргономичной формой стопы для максимального комфорта. Отлично подойдут для дайвинга.ParticularitățiЭластичная вулканизированная резиновая подошваМягкая плюшевая подкладкаМолния длиннее на 3 см — голенище открывается ширеCaracteristiciМатериал — ..
Aquarius Pirat Child Holto — спасательный жилет для детей с повышенной плавучестью обеспечивает ощущение безопасности в воде. Большой толстый воротник повышает устойчивость человека в воде, удерживая его в вертикальном положении. Яркий цвет, свисток, светоотражающие ленты Solas являются необходимыми..
Recommended for: trekking, Nordic walking.Yate Rubber Cover nordic walking attachments protect the tips of trekking poles when moving on hard surfaces (rocks, asphalt). Made from rubber. A special grooved pattern increases stability and comfort while walking. Designed for tips with a diameter of 17 ..
Recommended for: winter sports.Protective mask with Velcro. Warms and protects the face from the head wind. The model is made of Softshell fabric, Windstopper membrane and a fleece layer on the inside.Material: Softshell: 100% polyesterIndicators: Windstopper membraneWeight: 45 gSize: UNIColor:- whi..
Recommended for: mountaineering, ice climbing.Grivel Single Spring 2.0 is a convenient lanyard for attaching an ice ax or other tool. An elastic element built into the sling reduces the length of the lanyard. Takes up little space when folded. The built-in swivel allows you to “forget" that the lany..
Lentile cu dioptrii pentru ochelari de înot OPTICAL LENS EAGLE — lentile dioptrice pentru înot.Caracteristici:Lentilele cu dioptrii simetrice pentru ochii drept și stângLentile minus pentru corectarea miopiei de la -1,0 la -8,0 în trepte de 0,5.Protecție specială anti-ceață / protecție UV (până la 3..
Seturi Aqualung Combo Mix для юных любителей плавания, состоящий из маски и трубки. Юбка для лица выполнена из гипоаллергенного материала высокого качества, что гарантирует надежную защиту от попадания воды и максимальный комфорт в использовании. Система Anti-Fog обеспечит ясность обзора под водой. ..
Recommended for: mountaineering, rock climbing.The Ocun Eagle HMS Twist carabiner is a lightweight aluminum HMS carabiner for use with a UIAA knot or belay devices. Ergonomic design makes it easy to lock. The carefully designed shape provides the best balance between weight, strength and size. The p..
Recommended for: yachting use.Keywestis the ideal mooring rope, thanks to its abrasion resistance and UV resistance, it is the rope for the harshest conditions. Easy to knit and retains softness throughout its life. Suitable for use in electric winch due to its good insulating properties. Made of wh..
Боты неопреновые Aqualung Venice ADJ — незаменимая обувь для занятий водными видами спорта. Прекрасно подходит для прогулок по песчаным и каменистым пляжам.ParticularitățiПревосходного качество неопреновая обуви, очень удобная и прочнаяОбувь отлично подойдет для занятия виндсервингом и для других за..
Recommended for: long hikes, mountain tourism.Yate Eagle foldable are ultra-light folding trekking poles made of high-strength Alu 7075 aluminum alloy. Thanks to the cable folding system, they are quickly assembled. The upper sliding part with Speed Lock clamp is used to adjust the length. The extra..
The new Attack is a TÜV/GS-certified protector backpack that ups the safety for ambitious mountain bikers, even on the gnarliest of trails. A removable SAS-TEC back protector with multiple impact protection (depending on the severity of the impact) prevents injuries. High-set hip fins create a snug,..
Recommended for: rope protection on aggressive surfaces (terrain bends)Rope Protector (rope protection) - protects the rope sheath from abrasion on abrasive surfaces and kinks. Velcro fastening allows you to easily attach the detachable protector to an already tensioned rope.Material: PVH fabricSiz..
Labe Aqualung WIND — pentru cei cu un nivel de intrare. Compacte, ușoare și durabile, sunt excelente atât pentru snorkeling, cât și pentru scufundări în ape calde.Caracteristici:O lamă cu două componente (din polipropilenă cu inserții din cauciuc) îmbunătățește performanța.Galoș ergonomic pentru mai..
Recommended for: sport climbing.Tendon Smart Lite 9.8 mm is a universal dynamic rope, best suited for both sport climbing and classic mountaineering (for beginner and intermediate levels). With a diameter of only 9.8 mm, the rope provides an excellent balance between low weight, ease of handling and..
A versatile, horizontal kayak carrier with large cushioned, flexible pads that conform to a large range of hull shapes as well as SUPs.Tested to the limitAt the Thule Test Center™ in Hillerstorp, Sweden, products go through extreme testing. Our roof rack systems are designed to carry your gear and f..
Recommended for: mountaineering.Protection on the ice ax beak for safe transportation. In the stowed position, it prevents damage to equipment or accidental injuries from the sharp edges of the ice ax. Easy to put on and take off, quickly adjustable to the desired size using durable lacing. Material..
GoPro Gumby - suport flexibil universal cu bază rotativă. Ușor de instalat chiar și pe o varietate de obiecte de forma neregulată.Suport ecologic din plastic reciclat, puternic și rezistent. Datorită legăturilor flexibile din cauciuc, opțiunile de instalare ale acestuia sunt limitate doar de imagina..
Aqualung Hydroflex Shty 3M — женский гидрокостюм идеально подходит для подводного плавания с аквалангом или снорклинга. Эластичный двухслойный неопрен обеспечивает комфорт и дополнительное тепло. Цвета, вдохновленные коралловыми рифами, и стильная графика идеально дополняют остальные продукты AquaLu..
Recommended for: mountaineering and rock climbing.Ocun Tape is a patch made from natural raw materials, designed specifically for rock climbing, made specifically to protect your fingers from damage and wounds.Material: 100% cottonColor: whiteWeight: 90 gTape length: 10 metersTape width: 50 mmFeatur..