Other clothes

360°Manufacturing system for sole and upper mounting providing natural weight distribution on the foot-step.DurabilityA technology providing the sole with greater durability thanks to high resistance rubber slowing down the wear caused by abrasion, thus extending the life of the shoe. Classic footba..
899.00 MDL
Black / White
Recommended for: Skiers and snowboarders.Dainese Flexagon Waistcoat Lite is a vest with lightweight, soft protection for the central part of the back. Hexagonal plates of different diameters provide maximum freedom of movement and adaptation of the protection to the shape of the rider's back. The Cr..
1 980.00 MDL
Corn / Teal
The small, super-lightweight backpack Gravity Pitch is ideal for multi-pitch tours: in and on him everything finds place. And thanks to highly functional shoulder straps, it offers full freedom of movement without slipping and thus throwing you off balance. The main material is also sustainably blue..
1 190.00 MDL
Bluegrass Armour Lite — идеальный выбор для райдеров, которые предпочитают легкую и незаметную защиту под джерси. Она практически не ощущается во время катания, но при этом отлично защищает при нештатных ситуациях.ParticularitățiЗащитная вставка из 3-хслойной EVA пеныОснова из легкой и тянущейся сет..
2 950.00 MDL
Recommended for: strength training, various types of aerobics.Yate Wrist Bands are used as additional stress on muscles during training. They help increase endurance, facilitate the process of losing weight, and help make muscles sculpted. Designed for strength training and various types of aerobics..
250.00 MDL
Black / White
Black / Red
White / Gray
Red / Black
Red / White
Royal Blue / White
Navy Blue / White
Navy Blue / Red
ADAPTABILITYThe fabric used to make the garment allows it to better adapt to the athlete's body.The garment adapts to the body for greater comfort while doing sports.FREEDOM OF MOVEMENTGarments made of elasticated knit fabric which facilitates movement during your workout.Fitting perfectly to the bo..
369.00 MDL
Red / Yellow
Yellow / Red
AdaptabilityThe fabric used to make the garment allows it to better adapt to the athlete"s body.The garment adapts to the body for greater comfort while doing sports.DurabilityA finish applied to the fabric to prevent the rapid deterioration of the fibre and its colours.Increases the useful life of ..
369.00 MDL
Gray / Red
Recommended for: Running in challenging snowy conditions.Yaktrax Run Ice Shoes are specially designed for running shoes. Anatomical left/right leg design provides a comfortable and secure fit. Ice access pads are made of highly abrasion-resistant natural rubber. The carbide steel cleats placed under..
945.00 MDL
Black / Blue
Football cleats for artificial turf (AG). Men's and women's models with a striking renovated design, recommended for beginner football players looking for pure speed. The most comfortable cleats in the collection thanks to their extensive technological qualities.The design is made of PU synthetic ma..
1 099.00 MDL
DurabilityA finish applied to the fabric to prevent the rapid deterioration of the fibre and its colours.Increases the useful life of the garment, thanks to the durability of the fabric.Chlorine resistantA finish applied to the fabric to prevent the rapid deterioration of the fibre and its colours.I..
549.00 MDL
Yellow / Black
Navy Blue / Blue
Cască pentru înot Aqua Sphere Skull Cap ICaracteristici:Croiala specială din mai multe detalii de formă anatomice permite o fixare mai strânsă pe capul înotătorului.Banda de silicon de pe marginea inferioară de pe suprafața interioară o fixează ferm în poziție.Este fabricată din țesătură din poliami..
170.00 MDL
Black / Silver
Blue / Black
DurabilityA finish applied to the fabric to prevent the rapid deterioration of the fibre and its colours.Increases the useful life of the garment, thanks to the durability of the fabric.Freedom of movementGarments made of elasticated knit fabric which facilitates movement during your workout.Fitting..
469.00 MDL
Recommended for: running, sports.Mund Running socks are perfect for sports at almost any time of the year. Designed for high activity and have good moisture-removing properties. Various knit densities, elastic cuff on the instep and arch of the foot, reinforcement from toe to heel.Material: 56% Poly..
275.00 MDL
Red / Black
Fluorescent Orange / Lime
AdaptabilityThe fabric used to make the garment allows it to better adapt to the athlete"s body.The garment adapts to the body for greater comfort while doing sports.ComfortMade of elasticated knit fabric for added comfort and a better fit.The garment is extremely comfortable, which helps you better..
499.00 MDL
Royal Blue
360°Manufacturing system for sole and upper mounting providing natural weight distribution on the foot-step.DurabilityA technology providing the sole with greater durability thanks to high resistance rubber slowing down the wear caused by abrasion, thus extending the life of the shoe. FIBERTECH line..
899.00 MDL
Mănuși special concepute pentru profesioniști, pentru cei pasionați de sporturile de iarnă, alpinism, schi și multe altele. Mănușile au caracteristici care vor ajuta să rezistați sarcinilor zilnice în condiții meteorologice extreme. Oferă o rezistență maximă, confort și căldură de neegalat, și o fun..
1 790.00 MDL
Bluegrass P09 L Wolverine — удобные и эластичные шорты, которые предоставляют надежную защиту благодаря вставках особой формы, расположенных по бокам, на бедрах и в зоне копчика. Защитные шорты выполнены из комбинации полиамида и эластана, а вставки представляют собой сформированную пену EVA. Легкий..
1 890.00 MDL
DurabilityA technology providing the sole with greater durability thanks to high resistance rubber slowing down the wear caused by abrasion, thus extending the life of the shoe.FlexoA grooved flex system placed ergonomically on the sole to offer the best transition from heel to toe at every step.Pro..
1 149.00 MDL
Recommended for: rope markingRope marker - a simple and original means for marking the center of a rope. The chemical composition does not destroy the rope.Material:Indicators:Weight: 50 g. Size:Features:..
70.00 MDL
Black / Gold
DurabilityA technology providing the sole with greater durability thanks to high resistance rubber slowing down the wear caused by abrasion, thus extending the life of the shoe. Classic cut football boots, constructed with state-of-the-art materials and suitable for playing on turf (synthetic and ar..
899.00 MDL
Recommended for: skiing on groomed slopes in low temperatures. Also suitable for mountaineering activities.The gloves are ideal for women's hands sensitive to low temperatures. The gloves are completely waterproof and provide complete protection from wind and moisture thanks to the R-TEX®XT membrane..
1 400.00 MDL
Slate Gray
Small but mighty, the Dyna 1.5 offers up a slim and streamlined carry for trail runners and racers looking for a minimal pack that still handles ample water. Its two hydraulics soft flasks will keep you hydrated miles after your last support stop. Made with 100% recycled materials. Features Two extr..
2 290.00 MDL
Met Allroad Matt — чрезвычайно легкий и надежный шлем подойдет для любой дороги. Спортивный с одной стороны, удобный с другой он создан для тех, кто любит проводить время в дороге. Предельно низкий вес и надежность — вот главные достоинства качественной спортивной экипировки.Обтекаемый корпус выполн..
1 890.00 MDL
Recommended for: strength training, various types of aerobics.Yate Wrist Bands are used as additional stress on muscles during training. They help increase endurance, facilitate the process of losing weight, and help make muscles sculpted. Designed for strength training and various types of aerobics..
410.00 MDL